stuart purton darts

About Me:

Hello and welcome to playing-darts. I’m Stuart and I’ve been playing darts for more than 40 years (I know I don’t look it :-/). My family and I love darts and we will play each other nearly every day – it’s great family fun. 

I started this site to help share how much I enjoy the sport so whether you are new and want to learn how to play darts or whether you are a seasoned veteran who wants tips on how to improve their game or find out what the latest technology in darts is, this site is the place to be. So browse the articles and check back for more.


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Stuart (editor)

Stuart is the editor of this website. He loves darts and has been playing for more than 40 years. He used to play every week with his dad as a way of connecting and now shares his love of the game with his kids (sometimes even his wife!). He enjoys writing about the game as a hobby and hopes to help other new dart players learn and love the sport more.